What is Forex (Foreign Exchange, FX) ?
Make speculative transactions on the exchange rate between two currencies.
These rates may be influenced by world economic and political events, currency rate differentials, as well as many other factors including extreme weather conditions (hurricanes), acts of terror etc.
The Forex is the largest marketplace in the world with more than 1.8 trillion dollars changing hands daily and so making it one of the most attractive and lucrative markets.
How does the Forex work?
The forex market allows you to buy and sell currencies against each other and speculate on the differences in exchange rates.
Making a transaction on the Forex Market is simple: the procedures are identical to that of any other market so switching to trading currencies is straightforward for most traders.
Buy/Sell, Long/Short
If you want to open a position (i.e.: place an order to sell – to make a profit if the exchange rate falls) you have to choose the amount (i.e.: 100.000 EURUSD) from the drop down menu on the platform and then click the mouse on the sell currency button: SELL (if you want to place an order to buy, you should act in reverse).
This will open a position in the market and you will receive an immediate notification of it on your trading station.
To close an open position, you have to do the opposite of the initial operation – in our case buy the 100.000 EURUSD back.
Quotation System
Currencies are quoted in pairs, for example – EUR/USD or USD/JPY.
The first currency in the pair is called the base currency and the second is called the counter currency.
The base currency is the ‘basis’ for purchases and sales. For example, if you buy EUR/USD, then you acquire Euros and sell Dollars. You do this if you expect the Euro to grow against the Dollar.
It is also possible for a currency pair to be quoted as USD/EUR, but this method is used extremely rarely.
Each transaction must have 2 sides – a buy and a sell (or a sell and a buy).By this we mean that it is impossible to buy 100.000 EUR/USD and then exchange it for another currency pair (i.e.: EUR/JPY) without closing the first position.
Also please note that no physical currency delivery will be made. For these purposes banks and exchange companies, which specialize in low-rate currency conversions are available.
Forex Market Working Hours
The Forex Market, based on ‘spot’ transactions, is unique in comparison with all other global markets.This is because trading takes place 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Financial centers are open for work, and banks and other organizations exchange currencies in different parts of the world for different purposes.
Therefore, trading never stops apart from a short break during the weekend. Early closings are possible depending on calendar arrangement such as, for example, Christmas or new year’s eve.
A margin deposit is not, as many traditional traders suggest, the payment in cash for purchasing market shares. A margin is in fact a guarantee or a trust deposit, providing protection from losses during a deal? It allows traders to open positions on amounts that greatly exceed their account limits and so increase their buying power. 1:100 leverage, which means you can control 100 times your deposit in the real market.
If the funds in the account, in the course of trading, fall below the prescribed margin, your positions will be closed automatically without prior notice. Using this system, the client’s account cannot go overdrawn even under volatile, fast-changing market conditions.
The formula for calculating margins is as follows: (account balance + profit/loss) : open position = the margin.
For the sake of transparency and unlike any other online broker we actually have a complete explanation of applied cost of carry on behalf of the market or the customer on open positions held overnight. This overnight cost of carry is presented as a simple flat fee either paid or charged on a customer's account. This process makes for extremely simple statements and greatly increased executional transparency since we do not modify the original price of the position entered into by the customer.
Labels: Basic Forex, learn forex
Labels: forex performance
FOREX (Foreign Exchange)
Dagangan Tukaran Wang Asing.
Dagangan Tukaran Mata Wang Asing(FOREX) adalah satu pasaran antara bank yang terbentuk dalam sekitar tahun 1971 apabila perdagangan global dipindahkan daripada kadar pertukaran tetap atau 'fixed exchange rates' ke satu kadar yg boleh mengambang-ambang atau 'floating exchange rates'. Ini adalah satu set urusniaga di kalangan ejen - ejen pasaran tukaran mata wang asing yang melibatkan pertukaran yang ditentukan oleh sejumlah wang dalam satu unit matawang dari mana-mana negara khas untuk matawang dari negara berbeza pada kadar persetujuan pada tarikh yang ditentukan secara terperinci. Semasa pertukaran, kadar pertukaran satu matawang untuk mata wang lain adalah ditentukan dengan hanya: oleh penawaran dan permintaan — pertukaran atas persetujuan kedua-dua pihak.
Skop urusniaga dalam pasaran matawang global tumbuh dengan berterusan secara baik, yang disebabkan oleh pembangunan perdagangan antarabangsa dan penghapusan sekatan mata wang dalam kebanyakkan negara.
Urusniaga penukaran secara global berlaku pada kadar $1,982 bilion di pertengahan 1998 setiap hari (pasaran London bertanggungjawab untuk sebanyak 32% perolehan setiap hari; New York memasarkan penukaran lebih kurang. 18%, dan pasaran Jerman, 10%). Bukan sahaja skop urusniaga tetapi juga kadar yang menandai pembangunan pasaran juga menarik: dalam 1977, perolehan setiap hari dianggarkan berjumlah 5 billion dollar Amerika; ia tumbuh untuk 600 bilion dolar Amerika (USD$ 600b) lebih sepuluh tahun – untuk satu trilion dalam 1992.
Transaksi spekulatif mendapatkan keuntungan daripada mengambil upah terhadap perbezaan kadar pertukaran dan ia membentuk hampir 80% urusniaga untuk transaksi keseluruhan. Mengambil upah menarik ramai peserta-peserta — termasuk kedua-dua institusi kewangan dan pelabur-pelabur individu.
Dengan pembangunan kadar tertinggi kemajuan teknologi maklumat dalam dua dekad terakhir, pasaran itu sendiri telah bertukar di luar pengiktirafan. Sesekali dikelilingi dengan halo keajaiban kasta, profesion peniaga tukaran wang asing menjadi hampir kepada akar umbi. Urusniaga tukaran mata wang asing yang dahulu pernah menjadi keistimewaan bank-bank pembolot terbesar kini di jalankan secara terbuka dan terima kasih kepada sistem-sistem e-dagang. Dan bank-bank pertama mereka sendiri juga seringkali memilih perdagangan dalam sistem-sistem transaksi elektronik yang lebih bi-lateral dan sendiri.
E-broker sekarang ini mentafsirkan 11% tukaran mata wang asing perolehan pasaran. Skop setiap hari urus niaga bank-bank terbesar (Bank Deutsche, bank Barclays, bank gabungan Switzerland, Citibank, Chase Manhattan Bank, bank dicarter yang standard) mencecah sampai berbilion-bilion dolar.
Tukaran Mata Wang Asing(FOREX-Currency Exchange) sebagai suatu tempat untuk memohon kewangan peribadi, intelektual dan kuasa psikik bukan direka bentuk untuk cubaan menangkap seekor burung. Kadang-kadang seseorang mampu menguruskannya tetapi untuk satu masa yang singkat saja. Kunci kejayaan seseorang di dalam pasaran tukaran mata wang asing ialah anda boleh berjaya dengan adanya kekuatan kecerdasan fikiran.
Ciri penting satu lagi Pasaran Tukaran Mata Wang Asing(Forex Market), perkara yang tiada bagaimana aneh ia mungkin kelihatan, adalah kestabilannya. Setiap orang mengetahui yang mengejut jatuh adalah sangat lazim pasaran wang. Bagaimanapun, tidak seperti pasaran saham, pasaran tukaran mata wang asing tidak pernah jatuh. Jika berkongsi menurunkan nilainya bererti satu kejatuhan. Tetapi jika mendapan ringgit, bahawa hanya bermaksud bahawa mata wang lagi mendapat lebih kukuh.
Sebagai contoh, Yen(Japanese Yen) diperteguh oleh satu suku tahun lawan ringgit lewat dalam 1998. Atas beberapa hari kejatuhan ringgit oleh berdozen mata peratusan. Bagaimanapun, pasaran tidak kejatuhan di mana saja; dagangan berterusan dalam cara lazim. Ia ada di sini yang pasaran dan kestabilan urusan yang berkaitan berbaring — mata wang adalah satu komoditi yang sama sekali cair dan juga akan sentiasa ditukar beli.
Pasaran Tukaran Mata Wang Asing adalah satu 24-hour memasarkan yang tidak bergantung pada waktu perniagaan tertentu bursa-bursa asing; perdagangan mengambil tempat antara bank-bank terletak dalam sudut-sudut globe yang berbeza. Kadar pertukaran satu`kembali pertukaran-pertukaran yang sangat fleksibel yang penting berlaku agak sering, yang membolehkan untuk membuat beberapa urusniaga setiap hari. Jika kita telah satu teknologi perdagangan panjang lebar dan boleh dipercayai kita boleh membuat sebuah syarikat, mana tidak perniagaan lain dapat menandingi oleh kecekapan. Ia bukan tanpa sebab yang pembelian bank-bank penting peralatan elektronik mahal dan mengekalkan pekerja-pekerja beratus-beratus peniaga-peniaga beroperasi dalam sektor-sektor yang berbeza tukaran mata wang asing pasaran.
Kos-kos permulaan menyertai perniagaan ini adalah sangat rendah sekarang. Sebenarnya, ia berharga beberapa beribu dolar untuk membawa suatu perjalanan permulaan latihan, membeli sebuah komputer, untuk membeli satu perkhidmatan maklumat dan mewujudkan satu simpanan; syarikat tetap tiada boleh ditubuhkan dengan wang ini. Dengan berlebih-lebihan tawaran-tawaran perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan, dapatan seorang broker boleh dipercayai adalah juga agak satu perkara sebenar. Yang lain bergantung kepada peniaga dirinya atau dirinya. Semuanya bergantung di anda secara peribadi, sebagai dalam bahagian perniagaan lain tiada sekarang.
Perkara penting pasaran akan memerlukan untuk operasi-operasi berjaya bukan kuantiti wang anda akan memasukinya dengan — perkara penting adalah keupayaan untuk berterusan berkisarkan bersekolah pasaran, faham mekanisme-mekanismenya dan kepentingan-kepentingan peserta-peserta; ini adalah pembaikan berterusan satu dagang mendekati dan pelaksanaan mereka yang berdisiplin. Tidak ada orang telah mencapai kejayaan dalam pasaran itu oleh memaksa satu dengan jalan satu modal atilt. Pasaran adalah lebih kuat daripada apa apa yang lain; ia ialah bahkan lebih kukuh daripada pusat bank-bank dengan mereka pertukaran asing sangat besar simpanan-simpanan.
George Soros, seorang wira negara Pasaran Tukaran Mata Wang Asing(Forex Market), tidak mendapat Bank of England di semua, kerana ramai dari kita percaya — dia dibuat tekaan betul yang, dengan wujud penyanggahan sedia ada dalam sistem kewangan orang Eropah, terdapat banyak masalah-masalah dan kepentingan-kepentingan yang tidak akan membenarkan untuk memegang paun. Iaitu dengan tepat berlaku apakah. Bank of England, mempunyai telah membelanjakan hampir $20 bilion untuk mengekalkan kadar paun, menaikkan ia naik, dengan memberinya dalam untuk pasaran. Pasaran diselesaikan masalah ini, dan Soros mendapatkan bilionnya.
Sistem kewangan global telah bergerak dalam tempoh sepanjang beribu-ribu tahun dalam sejarah manusia, kecuali ia sudah tentu mengalami pertukaran-pertukaran yang terbanyak dan terdahulu yang tidak pernah difikirkan. Dua perubahan utama menentukan suatu imej baru dalam sistem kewangan global:
**wang adalah lengkap dipisahkan dari sebarang media ketara;
**maklumat dan telekomunikasi berkuasa teknologi-teknologi dibuat kemungkinan ia untuk mengukuhkan sistem-sistem kewangan bangsa yang berbeza ke dalam tunggal sistem kewangan global yang tidak mempunyai sempadan-sempadan.
Labels: Apa Itu Forex?, Belajar Forex, Pengenalan FOREX
Term and Popular Description on Forex
An investor who believes that a security, a sector, or the overall market is about to fall. opposite of bull. Also known as downtrend of a chart.
Bull refers to having a positive outlook on a particular security or an investment. Also known as uptrend in a chart.
Example :
-if an analyst is "Bullish" on the US dollar, it means that the analyst believes the currency will appreciate. Bullish is used in contrast with bearish which connotes a negative point of view.
The entomology of expression "bull" derives from the male bovine. Bulls, the male counterpart to the cow, are known for their aggressiveness and sharp horns.
An individual or firm which acts as an intermediary between a purchaser and seller, generally charging a commission. For securities and most other products, a license is required.
Example : I'm using FxOpen as my primary broker on Forex Trading. My broker is Belverdec Inc.
Pip is taken from"percentage in point," refers to the very last digit of a currency price.
Example : Let's say the market price for Eur/Usd is 1.2636.
If the sell price were to increase to 1.2636 we have a one pip increase. Should the EUR/USD sell price move from 1.2635 up to 1.2735, we say EUR/USD increased 100 pips.
In the example of EURUSD, one pip is worth 1/100th of a US Dollar cent. Because currency traders are concerned with relatively small movements in the forex market, traders talk about that movement in terms of pips.
The Spread refers to the difference between the sell and buy price for a security.
Every market has a spread. Whether Foreign Exchange, equities, futures or your local boutique, the market maker will practically always charge a higher price than the price paid.
The size of the spread is primarily due to liquidity and transparency in the market. More buyers and sellers competing in the same space bring Bid/Offer spreads lower. When all participants have access to the same price information at the same time, few are able to get away with wider spreads.
Since Foreign Exchange is the world's biggest and most liquid market and as technology has given anyone with access to a computer and the internet real-time pricing information - spreads in fx extremely low, just factions a cent.
But,it is depends on the broker you have choose. Different broker may have different spread.
Example : If the market price for Usd/Jpy is 111.05, bid price is 111.05 and the ask price is 111.07. It means the spread for Usd/Jpy is 3pips.
Labels: Basic Forex, Bear/Bearish, Broker, Bull/Bullish, Pip, Spread
Selamat Datang ke Group Pipsmaker!
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Anda dialu-alukan untuk menyertai group kami - Pipsmaker Group
Keahlian adalah terbuka kepada mereka yang berada di negara berikut :
Faedah dan Keistimewaan anda setelah diiktiraf sebagai ahli Pipsmaker :
1. Bimbingan dan pembelajaran Forex secara online.
2. Bonus untuk Post Trade setiap 15hb.
3. Bonus E-book serta signal secara PERCUMA.
4. Expert Advisor PERCUMA.
5. Bonus dari Broker :
- Free USD$25.00 selepas daftar akaun dan deposit.
- Free USD$100.00 setelah mencukupi 10 lot Trade.
& banyak lagi.
Bagaimana Mahu Sertai Kami?
Anda hanya perlu mendaftar satu akaun Forex dengan klik di link FxOpen yang ada di dalam blog ini.
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Labels: Bonus, Forex Group, Pipsmaker Group
Welcome to my blog.
This site are specially created to post my performance during my testing on every skills and technicque on Forex Trading.
First of all,i'll post a little bit introduction for anybody that never heard about Forex Trading before. So that,if you are interested on Forex, you can lern the basic here.
I'll let you know what is the most important part in Forex Trading and how to prevent from losing your money on Forex.
Terlebih dahulu saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa ini adalah blog persendirian. Saya tidak bertanggungjawap di atas sebarang kerugian/masalah yang anda hadapi sekiranya anda menggunakan link yang terdapat di blog ini.
Walaubagaimanapun,saya akan cuba dapatkan anda link yang terbaik yang boleh anda jadikan sebagai sumber rujukan dalam Forex Trading.
Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa saya adalah salah seorang Ahli Pipsmaker Group. Mula mengenali Forex pada tahun 2006 dan telah menjadi 'Trader' sepenuh masa sejak 2007.
Di dalam blog ini saya akan cuba memberi sedikit tunjuk ajar dalam Forex Trading. Jika ada kesempatan dan masa terluang,saya akan menerangkan serba sedikit istilah-istilah dalam dunia Forex,perkara yang perlu dielakkan semasa membuat post trade serta tips untuk 'mencuri' pips. Dari semasa ke semasa,saya akan 'update'kan blog ini. Harap bersabar...
Jika anda mempunyai sebarang persoalan,sila emelkan pertanyaan anda ke :
Tolong Jangan Lakukan Spam!!!
Saya tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengadukan alamat emel anda sebagai 'Spammer'.
Harap Maklum.
Labels: Asas Forex, forex trading, learn forex
What is Forex (Foreign Exchange, FX) ?
Make speculative transactions on the exchange rate between two currencies.
These rates may be influenced by world economic and political events, currency rate differentials, as well as many other factors including extreme weather conditions (hurricanes), acts of terror etc.
The Forex is the largest marketplace in the world with more than 1.8 trillion dollars changing hands daily and so making it one of the most attractive and lucrative markets.
How does the Forex work?
The forex market allows you to buy and sell currencies against each other and speculate on the differences in exchange rates.
Making a transaction on the Forex Market is simple: the procedures are identical to that of any other market so switching to trading currencies is straightforward for most traders.
Buy/Sell, Long/Short
If you want to open a position (i.e.: place an order to sell – to make a profit if the exchange rate falls) you have to choose the amount (i.e.: 100.000 EURUSD) from the drop down menu on the platform and then click the mouse on the sell currency button: SELL (if you want to place an order to buy, you should act in reverse).
This will open a position in the market and you will receive an immediate notification of it on your trading station.
To close an open position, you have to do the opposite of the initial operation – in our case buy the 100.000 EURUSD back.
Quotation System
Currencies are quoted in pairs, for example – EUR/USD or USD/JPY.
The first currency in the pair is called the base currency and the second is called the counter currency.
The base currency is the ‘basis’ for purchases and sales. For example, if you buy EUR/USD, then you acquire Euros and sell Dollars. You do this if you expect the Euro to grow against the Dollar.
It is also possible for a currency pair to be quoted as USD/EUR, but this method is used extremely rarely.
Each transaction must have 2 sides – a buy and a sell (or a sell and a buy).By this we mean that it is impossible to buy 100.000 EUR/USD and then exchange it for another currency pair (i.e.: EUR/JPY) without closing the first position.
Also please note that no physical currency delivery will be made. For these purposes banks and exchange companies, which specialize in low-rate currency conversions are available.
Forex Market Working Hours
The Forex Market, based on ‘spot’ transactions, is unique in comparison with all other global markets.This is because trading takes place 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Financial centers are open for work, and banks and other organizations exchange currencies in different parts of the world for different purposes.
Therefore, trading never stops apart from a short break during the weekend. Early closings are possible depending on calendar arrangement such as, for example, Christmas or new year’s eve.
A margin deposit is not, as many traditional traders suggest, the payment in cash for purchasing market shares. A margin is in fact a guarantee or a trust deposit, providing protection from losses during a deal? It allows traders to open positions on amounts that greatly exceed their account limits and so increase their buying power. 1:100 leverage, which means you can control 100 times your deposit in the real market.
If the funds in the account, in the course of trading, fall below the prescribed margin, your positions will be closed automatically without prior notice. Using this system, the client’s account cannot go overdrawn even under volatile, fast-changing market conditions.
The formula for calculating margins is as follows: (account balance + profit/loss) : open position = the margin.
For the sake of transparency and unlike any other online broker we actually have a complete explanation of applied cost of carry on behalf of the market or the customer on open positions held overnight. This overnight cost of carry is presented as a simple flat fee either paid or charged on a customer's account. This process makes for extremely simple statements and greatly increased executional transparency since we do not modify the original price of the position entered into by the customer.
Labels: Basic Forex, learn forex